Life is a journey filled with challenges, opportunities, and growth. Each of us possess untapped potential waiting to be unlocked, but sometimes, we find ourselves hitting emotional roadblocks that hinder our progress. These roadblocks often stem from unresolved trauma responses. In this blog, we will delve into the ways in which trauma responses can impact personal growth and success, and explore the importance of acknowledging and working through these responses to uplevel your nervous system and unlock your true potential.

Understanding Trauma Responses

Trauma responses are the body and mind’s natural reactions to a traumatic event. Trauma can take many forms, from a single distressing incident to prolonged periods of adversity. While trauma is not uncommon, how we respond to it can significantly influence our emotional well-being and personal development.

Common Trauma Responses


Fight, Flight, or Freeze:

When faced with a traumatic situation, our bodies can respond by going into “fight or flight” mode or even freezing in shock. These instinctive reactions can lead to heightened stress and anxiety, making it challenging to focus on personal growth.


Emotional Numbing

Trauma can sometimes lead to emotional numbness as a way to protect ourselves from overwhelming emotions. This numbness can prevent us from fully experiencing life and its opportunities.



Trauma can make us hyper-aware of potential threats, causing chronic anxiety. This constant state of alertness can be exhausting and hinder our ability to relax and learn.



Some individuals respond to trauma by avoiding anything that reminds them of the traumatic event. This can lead to missed opportunities for growth and personal development.

Impact on personal Growth

Trauma responses can have a profound impact on our personal growth journey. Here’s how they can act as roadblocks:


Limited Belief Systems:

Trauma responses can shape our belief systems and self-perception. If we believe we are powerless or unworthy due to past traumas, it becomes difficult to envision and work towards a brighter future.



Unresolved trauma can lead to self-sabotaging behaviors such as procrastination, perfectionism, or self-doubt. These behaviors hinder progress and success.


inhibited Relationships:

Trauma can affect our ability to form healthy relationships, which are often essential for personal and professional growth.

Unlocking Your Potential

Acknowledging and working through trauma responses is a crucial step towards unlocking your potential. Here’s how to start:


Book an appointment with me:

If you need help with releasing trauma in a safe and healthy way – simply reach out to me and let’s talk about how I can help.


Mindfulness and Self-Compassion:

Practices like mindfulness and self-compassion can help you become more aware of your trauma responses and develop healthier ways of coping.



Writing about your experiences and emotions can be a therapeutic way to process trauma and gain clarity about how it has affected your growth.


Build a Support Network:

Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends and loved ones who understand and empathise with your journey.


Practice Patience::

Healing from trauma takes time. Be patient with yourself and acknowledge that progress may be slow but worthwhile.

Trauma responses can be formidable roadblocks on your journey to personal growth and success. However, with the right tools, support, and mindset, you can overcome these obstacles and unlock your true potential. Remember that healing is a process, and every step you take towards resolving trauma responses brings you closer to the life you aspire to lead. Embrace the journey, and in doing so, you will discover the incredible strength within you.



If you have been trying to have a baby for some time and you are at that point where you are wondering “what else can I do to fall pregnant” and frustrated that it hasn’t happened yet. Feelings of doubt creep in with thoughts around “what if I don’t fall pregnant” or “what if I never become a mum”, these thoughts can manifest into your body when not acknowledged, and become a barrier to falling pregnant. The constant battle and expectations of trying to conceive can be exhausting, which leave you feeling disconnected to your womb because she has let you down.

My purpose is to help you to feel safe, nurtured and held while you dive deep into accessing your vulnerability, trauma, triggers, patterns, conditioning, behaviour, limiting beliefs and physical barriers that prevent you from receiving. Educating you on how to reconnect to your heart and womb after a failed cycle whether natural, or with IVF, miscarriage, stillbirth and feel confident in yourself that whatever happens you will be ok.

If you are ready to take the next step,